Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Monday, November 28, 2005
5 Bulan
Hr ini kehamilanku berusia 5 bulan atau skitar 20 minggu (menurut kontrol tgl 18 nov kmaren sih usia kandungan gw malah udah 21 minggu) eniweeeei ... menurut buku2 & teori2 yg gw baca sih .. setelah usia kandungan 5 bulan, janin sudah mulai bs mendengar suara2 .... n karena itu musik, khususnya musik klasik itu bagus utk menstimulasi perkembangan janin di dalam rahim ....

"Studies have shown that playing classical music to your unborn baby helps stimulate and enhance development, and enables the child to experience higher IQ levels."

tp ada juga yg berteori seperti ini :

There are no studies on the effects of stimulation before birth on intelligence, creativity, or later development," says Janet DiPietro, a developmental psychologist who studies fetal development at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. (Sumber bisa klik di : SINI)

Jd kesimpulannya, bener / tidak nya teori tersebut :

Play music because you enjoy it, not because you're trying to make your unborn baby smarter. Music can help you relax, fall asleep, or perk you up if you have the pregnancy blahs. "When a woman relaxes, that's good for the fetus and that's an indirect effect of music on the fetus," says DiPietro.

Tp memang bener sih .. dengerin musik klasik itu menyenangkan skali .. apalagi pas kita istirahat malam menjelang tidur ... jdnya akhir2 ini gw hobby skali berburu musik klasik utk menina bobokan diri sendiri ... hihihi ..... ini musik yg kmaren baru dibeli :

posted by nyi2 at 8:13 AM | Permalink |